Bill Alston

SA 2100

This Black model was made in Taiwan

Information not verified appears on one web site. This guitar was made in Japan and in Taiwan from 1985 to 1989 and was superseded by the 2100-11 but I have seen a picture of one supposedly from 1984 (details of the 2000- 11 are in the Yamaha Archives but not the 2000) I now know that this is not accurate as the 2100 appears in the 1991 English language catalogue so the 2100-11 which was around in 1988 is just an additional model not a replacement not that there is much difference except differences in the headstock design.

I have seen a 1985 MIJ in black a 1986 MIJ in Burgundy, a 1987 MIT in Natural and PH14838 which is an MIT in Burgundy and will be from 1989.

The information from the 85,87 and 88 catalogues is as below

Fret board

Bound Ebony block inlays


13.75 ins


Beech and Birch alder block






2 spinex  splittable  but see note below


Antique stain ,burgundy, yellow natural and black



Nut width





The 1991 catalogue states that the pickups are Alnico V SAH-SA1G. It could be that spinex was only used in the MIJ models and MIJ production of this model had stopped or it was just a change in specifications.

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